The Fam

The Fam

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Ministry of Angels

So, my life is a little challenging right now for me.
On Tuesday a member of my Relief Society presidency called and asked me to substitute teach Relief Society this week, as in 2 days from now. She had a sub fall through and was very apologetic, she was reaching to the bottom of the list of people they usually don't ask because we have small children in the house and don't want to burden us. I, of course, said yes, not in any way, shape, or form because I wanted to teach, but because I wanted to show my father in heaven that I would accept what was asked of me and try to do the best I could. The only good thing about short notice is there's less time to stress.
So, add to the list that my parents are coming into town tonight and actually staying with us, so there's the whole house to get ready also, not that there's much of a house, but with 6 people crammed in here the mess tends to build up.
Now, this is not meant as a complaint AT ALL!
I'm beyond thrilled and excited for everything that is happening this weekend and in a small way for the opportunity to learn and to grow and to teach.
I tried to talk to Andy about ideas for my lesson. The material is fabulous! If it was just a talk, no problem. My problem is interaction. How do I get the ladies involved? Andy's advice was great, if I was teaching Elders Quorum, but apparently Relief Society and Elders Quorum operate very differently. My problem with teaching is I can't seem to get people to respond, except in Primary. I guess I don't ask the right questions. So I'm asking for help.
This is a shout out to all my girls. There is a little homework involved. Please read from the November 2008 Ensign the article "The Ministry of Angels" by Elder Jeffery R. Holland and help me with what questions will invoke a response. I worked on it last night and came up with some ideas, but I would really love some input.
Please help me ladies!


oceanlover said...

First of all Heavenly Father knows your situation so He will definetly help you. You have a great talk to teach from and asking questions that don't have a yes or no answer are more helpful. Questions like .... Has anyone had an experience that ...... or How does it make you feel when .........and then wait. Sometimes when I am the student i am just thinking of something and the teacher moves on to the next thing. Remember its not about teaching the material its teaching people.....sometimes when we interact there are some many other insights I recieve by listening to others comments and many times they are testifying of that principle and how it has affected them.....thats the best....
hope that helps.... you will be great.....

oceanlover said...

By the way your children are darling
I feel old......
Weren't you a beehive when I was in YW???? But then I remember going to your bridal shower......

Keeping Up With The Joneses said...

First off, the lesson isn't your biggest problem. You need to make sure you have a really impressive center piece first. And, it can't be a boring center piece, you need to have some sort of doily or lace table cloth, with pictures of your family or the prophet. (You may want to take some time to paint the art yourself.) Statues or figureines are also impressive. Make sure you use the table space judiciously. Keep in mind that you need an eye pleasing horizontal to vertical ratio. A lot of small stuff scattered around the table may seem nice, but to those scrutinizing it, it may seem too busy. If your piece is too tall with nothing around it, it will take all of the attention away from your doily/lace table cloth.

As far as you problem with getting input, I have found something that works great. When you ask a question, just stare at the class until some brave soul answers. It may take a while, but I promise that someone will feel enough discomfort that they will need to break the silence. (Kind of like some slow testimony meetings.) If you want to get some discussion going, then try this one. Once someone answers a question, say, "Wow, I've never thought of it like that. Has anyone else had a similar feeling/situation/opinion? And can you share it with us?". Once again, just stare out at the class until someone feels uncomfortable enough to answer. This strategy has always worked for me in Elder's Quorum, and I'm sure it can work for you too.

Best of luck. I know you'll do great. (Seriously) :)

Kurt, Jennifer and family said...

Ha ha ha! I love the last comment about the decorations! So true and funny! That is great!

I think this has already been said but I would definitely ask if anyone has had an experience like Brother Barrus. And then WAIT for someone to answer. I am sure lots of women have had an experience that they would like to share. I also agree with the idea that sometimes the teacher rushes too quickly to the next thing and the class doesn't get a chance to ponder and think of what they want to say.

Just breathe, relax and take your time.

Easy for me to say! I can't even imagine teaching Relief Society. GOOD LUCK!

Melissa said...

Thank you Justin. I needed to laugh!

Debbie said...

Guess I should check the blog a little more often, and not after your crisis!! Sorry! How did it go?

Melissa said...

I survived!!