The Fam

The Fam

Friday, June 19, 2009


So, yesterday I was eating a jalapeno popper
(they're spicy and have cream cheese...what's not to love)
leftover from our anniversary. I bit into it and the filling totally squirted out. A large clump landed on my chest, above my shirt, straight skin on that one, and a small amount landed on my chin. I immediately tried to fix the one on my chest, as it felt like there was a hole burning through my skin. After that was calmed down I fixed the chin situation. Later in the day I was washing my hands when I saw something in the mirror. I of course poked it, I mean come on, you see something weird, your first instinct is to poke.
Big Mistake.
It was a blister, on my chin, and I accidentally popped it.
I have to say, I've never had a blister on my chin.
Not only does it hurt like a motha', it is oh so attractive!
Hopefully it will go away fast.
Beware of the yummy, spicy, creamy, deep fried goodness!


Sarah said...

YIKES....except i am kinda laughing...

Amanda Walsh said...

Haha- you crack me up. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Thanks for coming to visit me too. I love reading your blog. I need to bookmark it!

Sinclairs said...

Neosporin is the magic ointment. keep it on it & it will heal faster. (Love & miss you guys!)