The Fam

The Fam

Friday, April 10, 2009

Def con 3

I thought that I might make it without a story of my own, being that my youngest of 4 is 17 months, but no. I have not escaped this right of passage. I now have a "Poo" story. It's not nearly as dramatic as some I've heard. My favorite was my friend April's story of flying poo.
Ours begins on Tuesday night...
I was helping teach a food storage class, for Enrichment night. I happily left Andy and the kids at home, excited that I didn't have to put anyone to bed that night. When I arrived home I was disappointed to see that the oldest 3 were still awake. They were however only finishing a movie they were watching with Andy. Shortly after arriving home they all kissed me and went to bed. The youngest member of the family was sleeping, of course.
Upon awaking the next morning Mason informed me that Willson was naked.
Apparently Andy did not put a onesie on him before bed, I mused, and now he has figured out how to get his diaper off, awesome.
Seeing as how Mason and I were just awake I figured there was no way anything nasty had resulted from said striping.
I was wrong.
I walked into the boys room to see my sweet naked baby amidst a crib sheet smeared with poo. I grabbed naked man, as he giggled and kicked, held at arms length of course and proceeded immediately to the bathroom. When I turned on the bath water he was immediately excited, that's when the arms started flailing. In an effort to avoid poo limbs, I stood him up in the bathtub and flipped the shower on. He was shocked! I scrubbed baby boy clean and by the end of his first solo shower he was enjoying himself. After dressing him I went to investigate the damage. I am happy to report it was not nearly as bad as initially thought.
THANKFULLY the damage was only to the sheet and blankets, no exposure to wall or crib. After tossing the affected items into the washer, thankfully it was already empty, I texted Andy. He didn't understand when I thanked him for now having a poo story. It wasn't until I typed "Def con 3, all onsie all the time" that he finally understood. Then he promptly replied with LMAO. I had no idea what this meant, but shortly figured it out, which prompted my own laughing. Andy can always make me laugh, especially when I'm most convinced I don't want to.

1 comment:

Sarah Nelson said...

Ahhhhh! I definitely want to avoid having a poo story, yet I am now convinced that I will not be able to avoid one... like you, I hope it doesn't involve walls and things I would have to scrub down rather than just throwing in the wash. What a story!