The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time Out for Women

I was able to attend Time Out for Women last weekend. It was amazing! I've never been to one before and have vowed to never miss one again. It was so wonderful! I left there feeling so inspired and so thankful for everything that I've been blessed with. So happy too! It was cute when I told the kids where I'd be going, they didn't get it. To them a time out is a bad thing. It was cute when I was leaving, early Saturday morning, as I grabbed my sweater I heard a whisper from the boys room. I poked my head in and Mason, my early riser, said "Are you going to Women's time out?" I told him yes, I loved him, and to wake Daddy up. It was so nice to say that! I think that everyone has felt the difference that day made in my life and in turn theirs also. Hillary Weeks was the musical presenter for the day. Man, I loved her music! I don't own any of her Cd's, so I made sure to remedy that situation by buying one at the event. It's been so wonderful to listen to it and remember the inspiration that I felt while listening to her. Another added bonus of purchasing, at the event, is that you were able to choose a free lithograph, from a table with assorted pictures. I went to check out what they had and so ecstatic to find this amazing print of Jerusalem. After rearranging pictures on my walls, to secure the coveted above the piano spot, for my new favorite print I promptly set out to purchase an inexpensive frame from Walmart and cannot wait until next month when I can afford to have a custom mat made for it. I've already played with my scrap booking paper and have found the color I want to have it matted in. I had to prematurely hang it, for fear that the kids would get a hold of it, but I can see the beauty that it will be soon. I can't wait! It's going to be so beautiful! To add to the day, I was able to see my old college roommate, Carol and her baby sister Wendy, who isn't such a baby anymore (she's married...when the heck did that happen?). I haven't seen Carol in 2 1/2 years, since her wedding. We didn't get to talk for very long, but it was sooo wonderful to see her and I'm so excited that we live in the same state now and can see each other! What a day!

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