The Fam

The Fam

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Uniform

I hate to admit this, but I have a uniform. My uniform consists of navy blue sweat pants and Andy's fleece pullover, either color. When I don't have time to shower before taking the kids to school, which happens more then I care to admit, I pull out my trusty sweat pants and we're off to school. Since I don't have to get out of the car this outfit works. Technically I could wear my pajamas and still be fine. I did try that once, I had the stomach flu that day. Of course that was the day that my new neighbor decided to come over and introduce herself, right as I got out of the car. Luckily I had changed out of my nightgown and into a pink fleece snowflake pajama set, thinking that was more appropriate. I did explain I was sick, but still, that experience has cured me of wanting to wear my pajamas to take the kids to school. When it's almost time to go, I say "Oh, I better go put on my uniform." and the kids all laugh. The last couple of days, in a row, I've managed to get my shower in before taking the kids, so I've been fully dressed and ready for the day, which feels sooo good. So, as I was checking my email this morning, Savannah came up to me and said "I wish you would wear your uniform." Apparently she gets a kick out of it too. Delaney just informed me that she's wearing her uniform. Her uniform is actually pajamas with whatever jacket she wants and whichever shoes she can actually find that morning, sometimes barefoot. Guess she takes after me!

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