The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The other night the Elders stopped by for a short visit. We visited a little, talked about what we've been up to, talked about how their work was going and they shared a sweet message with us. Can I just say how much we love the Elders. Elder Balle is just a funny nice kid and Elder Twelves has nearly no sense of humor, seriously. We all get a kick out of his total lack of humor, Elder Balle included. At the end of the visit Elder Balle asked us if there was anything they could do for us. After a few shrugs and nope, we're goods Andy said "You know I could really use a back scratch" I rolled my eyes smacked his arm and started laughing. Elder Twelves actually smiled and laughed a little. We were shocked. That just made us laugh harder. Elder Balle, very matter of fact, agreed to scratch Andy's back, with a laugh in his eyes. My husband never ceases to amaze me, for good or bad.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

what a nice request! funny missionaries