I have been so in love with the flower hair bows!
They weren't popular when my girls were baby's.
I've been wanting to learn to make them.
This weekend I was at Walmart,
on a Saturday night,
buying diapers and wipes,
when I once again went down the fake flower aisle.
After so many times going down that aisle
I finally took the plunge.
I bought 3 flowers.
I know, only 3.
That's still super brave, though, right?
I'm just gonna call it super brave.
My blog, my rules.
I brought the flowers home,
figured out how to pull them apart,
decided what to put in the center,
then figured out how to attach them to the headband
and one barrette for Savannah.
(she wanted in on the action)
Remember those old commercials where the mom made Rice Crispy Treats?
She'd sprinkle flour and fish bowl water on her face
acting as though she spent hours and hours making them
and that it was so difficult and exhausting.
Picture me covered in ribbon and thread
with little pieces of fake flower hot glued to me,
a look of utter exhaustion on my face.
Now, here's the truth
It was pretty darn easy.
I figured it out all on my own.
And I ended up with a pink, an orange and 2 green flower bows.
(the green was full enough to make 2 out of, score)
Here's to super brave...