The Fam

The Fam

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Clever Child

Tonight we had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Unfortunately this is not a favorite of my kids. We made it through without the older kids putting up the normal fuss. I didn't worry about Willson. He's all about the pasta. He would happily eat pasta all day long. Imagine my surprise when Willson starts demanding more meatballs. I told him he needed to finish his pasta first and then I'd give him more. He threw the monster of all tantrums. I was in total shock. After about 10 minutes of screaming, begging and throwing himself on the floor Andy was able to talk him into eating some pasta. Andy had to feed him of course. So Willson's on Andy's lap happily eating pasta with the occasional bite of meatball. Willson's losing interest, so Andy starts making the pasta talk. He names them, they come to play in Willson mouth. One of them becomes the brother of the pasta Willson just ate. Apparently it's been too long since he's had a bite of meatball. When the pasta asks Willson to join his brother, Willson, pointing at his plate, says "No, go back to your family."

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