The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We have a wonderful bakery outlet here in town. I love shopping there. Everything is crazy cheap and the people that work there are so friendly. I always intend to take pictures of how much I can get for so little money, but I usually get too busy and get everything put away before I have a chance to get a picture. This time I'm sharing. Now this is about a month's worth of bread, more then a month on the rest of the items.
Yes, that's a giant Ikea bag and yes, it's full.There's all of it...
I've been going there for 2 years now and I just discovered they have spices too.
They're only $1 and they're the big jars too (5 oz.)

This is what I ended up with up...

5 loaves of fool the kids multi-grain bread
3 loaves of grown up bread
5 pkgs. hot dog buns
3 pkgs. bagels
3 pkgs. hamburger buns
(the regular sized ones, not the cheap tiny ones)
2 pkgs. hoagie rolls
1 pkg. english muffins
Bacon Bits
Lemon Pepper
Black Pepper
Lemon Extract

5 of my items were absolutely free. You get free items based on how much you spin. You only have to spend $15.01 to get 4 free (with the prices, sometimes it's really hard to do it)
love, love, love this store

1 comment:

Amanda Walsh said...

Yes, thanks for introducing me to the bread store! There's one in Everett right across the river from me and we go all the time. I just discovered that they have sprouted bread (so good for you) Yahoo!