The Fam

The Fam

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Pukeing

We started a new tradition this year and Andy wanted me to blog about it. I was out with the kids and we decided to drive around to look at all the houses decorated for Christmas. I was feeling pretty sad and tired, Andy hadn't been able to come home that weekend. We came across a house decorated, so horribly, for Christmas. So I said "look guys, Christmas puked on that yard." Then I made the puke noise as I drove by. We all started laughing so hard. So, we drove around looking at the lights and pukeing when necessary. Some of our pukes were beautifully decorated and some were hideously decorated. Either way we all had fun. Even Willson was getting into it. I've never heard him laugh so hard or so long. He was giddy. I was happier when we returned home. The next morning Mason came and asked me if we could go "Christmas Pukeing" again and thus a tradition was born.

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