The Fam

The Fam

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Night before last we had a Relief Society activity where we talked about all different ways to save money and be prepared. Everything from Emergency preparedness, home decorating on a budget, clothes shopping and entertainment. One thing mentioned was a website.
I was intrigued by what they said. So, I checked out the website this morning. Basically you purchase gift cards, for particular restaurants, at a discounted rate. There's a whole lot of restaurants that participate in this website. They have a diner of the month club membership. You sign up for this and every month you get a $25 gift card to a restaurant. You can choose a 3, 6 or 12 month membership. For a 12 month membership it's $120, which I thought was a great deal, but right now they're running a promotion. You choose your membership, add it to your cart and enter the promo code "save". What you end up with is a 12 month membership for $24. That's right, $24, for 12, $25 gift cards!
As if that's not good enough, they sent me a $50 credit, which I then used to purchase 2 more $25 gift cards, for free! I did it this morning and they're sitting on my desk right now, ready to use. Then I also got a gift card for $10 from an online shoe store. I'm so excited!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

OK - so I am WAY behind on your blog - but this is sooooo cool. Thanks for sharing!!! What is the name of the awesome bakery??
miss you.