The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


From the title of this post, you can tell what kind of man my Willson is.
He loves to compliment me.
While patting me in our family room...
"your boobs are so handsome."
I thank him, remove his hands and remind him that we don't touch or talk about boobs.
While standing in line at Costco...
"i like your boobs."
Me trying to whisper that we don't talk about boobs while trying to keep them out of his reach, not succeeding and through clenched teeth telling to keep his hands off my boobs.
Every morning I'm filled with compliments. He likes my hair, my shirt, my earrings and always a sly glance at my boobs. When he's feeling brave he compliments those too. I'm afraid I may have an Eddie Haskell on my hands.


Kurt, Jennifer and family said...

That is hilarious! Every once in awhile Evan will still reach down my top - gotta love boys! They are just like their dads! ha ha ha!

Melissa said...


Queen of the Cats said...

Oh my gosh...