The Fam

The Fam

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I was telling Andy how Willson was driving me nuts. It's one of those days where he only took a one hour nap and he's just following me around the house screaming. I noticed that Willson was in his room. I told Andy that in just a minute he was going to start screaming at me to get him off of Mason's bed. Mason has a junior loft bed. Willson likes to climb onto to it and then yell and scream till someone comes to get him off. I've been trying to teach him to climb down, but it's not going too well. He seems content to yell until someone gets him down and then immediately climb back up. Then, of course, the screaming begins again 5 minutes later. Although, it is kind of nice when he is up there because at least I know that he's not getting into anything else. Andy replied with "peace of mind, that would be a good MasterCard commercial." I started laughing and he said...
"Rugs need to be cleaned...$75
Picture needs to be matted...$125
17 month old stuck on his big brother's bed...priceless"
How true is that!
Well, he's screaming again. Better go get him off Mason's bed!


Kurt, Jennifer and family said...

Melissa! I didn't know you had a blog, okay blogs! So exciting! Your kids are so big! How did that happen so fast? Can you add me to your other blogs too? My email address to log in is

Who else has a blog? I think they are a great way to keep in touch! I loved catching up on your family! You are a hilarious writer! Love ya!

Lindsey said...

afton does the same thing...climb to the top bunk and then scream for someone to get her down. i love how you always come out of an annoying situation with something good or funny to tell! the poo story is classic...have you noticed they seem to do more of that kind of thing when dad isn't around? i was just thinking i need to write on my blog more. lately i've just been doing picture posts. anyway, thanks for the chuckle.

Melissa said...

The other 2 blogs are Savannah's & My in-laws. I'm totally addicted to blogs!