The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, March 28, 2009


So, for some reason, our cat Sid likes to climb the neighbors tree. This is the second time he got stuck up there. Now, he doesn't have any front claws, so the fact that he can climb the dumb tree is shocking. The kids came running into the house screaming and freaked out. When I got them to calm down enough to tell me what was wrong they said Sid was stuck in a tree. I thought they were totally freaking out and getting upset, well kids tend to do that, for no reason. Then I went outside and they showed me the tree. Holy Crap. He was mewing and whining and pretty upset I could see. After about 10 minutes of watching and waiting for him I was getting ready to borrow a ladder from the neighbor when I was finally able to talk him down. Being the persistent kitty that he is, he made it up the tree and thankfully back down safely too. Then about a week later the kids came running into the house again. So, this time I grabbed the camera. Dumb-Butt Cat.

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