The Fam

The Fam

Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm melting, I'm melting!

Well, the snow is finally melting. It got WAY crazier than the pictures showed. Andy, finally, got us out of the house on Friday. We hadn't left in a whole week. It was crazy. I've never had cabin fever so bad. I'm hoping by tomorrow it will be safe enough for me to drive.
Santa brought the kids bikes and Andy bought me one (pictures to come), so we're all so excited for the street to clear, so we can ride!


Michelle Wilson said...

What a great blog! I'm impressed! You're kids are adorable- What a good mom you are!!

Amanda said...

Great to hear about you and your family! How old are your kids? They seem so old! And where in Washington do you live? Our blog is at